Wudang Heaven and Earth Fan
In the third year of our training we learned the Wudang Heaven and Earth Fan 武当乾坤扇, also known as the Free and Easy Fan 逍遥扇 or just simply Gongfu Fan 功夫扇. I’ve even seen people call it Tai Chi Fan 太极扇. I like Heaven and Earth the best, but apparently you can just kind of call this form whatever you want.
This is a form in 33 steps, and is actually done slightly differently for men and for women. In China the fan is viewed as innately a bit feminine, so we men must do manly moves to let people know we are still very serious and very deadly and so on. The main difference is the hand not holding the fan. In the feminine version it is usually an open palm, while in the masculine version it is a closed fist.
Master Kuang Changxiu 匡常修 with fan
Brandi 资自 practicing the Wudang Heaven and Earth Fan
History and Symbolism 历史和象征
This form actually comes from Kongtong Mountain 崆峒山, part of a mountain range way out west in the borderlands between China and Tibet. In 2011 I traveled to Kongtong Mountain with my kung fu brothers Jeff 资和 and Louis 资探 as part of grand master Zhong’s entourage for the Great Meeting of the Martial Forest 武林大会, a conference of the five main mountain styles of martial arts: Wudang 武当, Shaolin 少林, Emei 峨眉, Kongtong 崆峒, and Kunlun 昆仑.
There, representatives of the different styles gave martial performances. I did some northern longfist, while my brother Jeff did the Eight Immortals Sword. One of the main Kongtong mountain disciples performed this fan form, but a much longer, more complex version of it. At Kongtong mountain they call it the Defiantly Hissing Heaven and Earth Flowing Wind Fan 啸傲乾坤风流扇, and it has seventy two steps in eight sections! Our uncle Jiang Fei 蒋飞 (师清), the main guy who lugged sacks of potatoes up to Five Dragons Cave for grand master Zhong during his five-year retreat, explained to us that this fan form was brought to Wudang in the 1990’s, and shortened both in name and in number of steps. So what we do is really just a simplified form of this longer Kongtong mountain style.
Kongtong Sect 崆峒派 has a really cool lineage though. This fan form came from Yan Feixia 燕飞霞 (1940-2005), the tenth generation grand master, who was kind of a martial arts prodigy who relocated to Japan during the cultural revolution to prevent his lineage from being wiped out. He came back to China a number of times after cooler heads prevailed to take on disciples and drum up the martial arts culture of Kongtong mountain again, so he was one of those high-profile martial artists teaching stuff really openly during the 80’s and 90’s, re-seeding the Kongtong martial arts and spreading them to places like Wudang.
And look at us now, teaching this in Canada! In the words of grandmaster Yan, “This form of martial fan is characterized by unique movements, a light and nimble structure, and strong applications. In it we find methods of training the body, footwork, and power.”
Yan Feixia 燕飞霞 (1940-2005) holding a weapon unique to the Kongtong lineage called the Magistrate’s Pen 判官笔
Me (fourth from right) with other members of the Wudang delegation and some local Kongtong masters. Very cool and little-known Daoist holy mountain, and home to the famous master Guangchengzi 廣成子, teacher of the Yellow Emperor
Curriculum 目录
乾坤扇基本功 Heaven Earth Fan Basic Methods
点 Pointing
戳 Poking
扫 Sweeping
展 Spreading
截 Intercepting
托 Lifting
顶 Point Strike
撞 Hitting
盖 Covering
乾坤扇對打 Heaven Earth Fan Partner Training
神龙探爪 Spirit dragon raking claw
上下齐出 Even out above and below
斜身照影 Turn the body and illuminate the picture
展翅斜飞 Spread the wings and fly
凤凰点头 Phoenix nods its head
套路 Form
乾坤扇33式 Heaven and Earth Fan in 33 Postures
2011 Great Meeting of the Martial Forest 武林大会, Jeff 资和 standing behind uncle Jiang 师清 with the Wudang delegation. The guy in the black , to the left of the photo, performed the traditional Kongtong version of this fan as well as a double straight sword form 双剑. He was really good.